Answered By: Libguide Admin Last Updated: Jul 29, 2015 Views: 473
If you are currently looking at a results list in an LLU Library database, see instructions below at the red arrow (►).
If you just have a citation (they often look like the example below),
Citation example:
Morris, D. (2005). E‐learning in the common learning curriculum for health and social care professionals: information
literacy and the library. Health Information & Libraries Journal, 22(s2), 74-80.
then select Find Journals on the left-hand side navigation bar from the library homepage to get to the journal portal.
Enter the journal title, or abbreviation in the search box.
From the results list, establish if we have the journal title in the correct year.
Is the article available in print (meaning, physically in the library)? If the only link on the correct result says Del E. Webb Library, then it is available in the library in print only. You will need to come to the library to photocopy it, or request the copy/pull (see service information at the very top of the pull link) service for a small fee through Interlibrary Loan.
Is the article available full-text on-line? If the link in the result indicates anything other than Del E. Webb Library, it is available on-line. Verify we have the correct year, then just click the link to go to the article.
Each provider page looks different. However the goal is the same; use the citation information to find your exact article and then click on the pdf icon.
Look for a listing of years and look for your article first by year, then subsequently volume, issue, and page or title and click on the pdf icon.
If a list of years is not apparent on the initial page, look for links to archives, or past issues and then look for your article first by year, then subsequently volume, issue, and page or title and click on the pdf icon.
► Finding full-text from a database search:
Each database should have the purple LLU&MC Find Article button:
Clicking the purple button opens a new window/tab and checks the citation against what the library has access to.
When access to full text of an article is available online, you will see instructions underneath your citation to click Article otherwise, click Journal. After clicking on Article, look for the pdf icon to get the full-text. If there is no Article link, follow the instruction to click the Journal link. You will be routed to a journal page. Each provider page looks different. However the goal is the same; use the citation information to find your exact article and then click on the pdf icon. Look for a listing of years and look for your article first by year, then subsequently volume, issue, and page or title.
If a list of years is not apparent on the initial page, look for links to archives, or past issues and then look for your article first by year, then subsequently volume, issue, and page or title and click on the pdf icon. Often, the library has access to an article in multiple ways. Try a different provider if the first link you tried does not work.
If the only result underneath the Resource column on the right says, "Del E. Webb Library," then it is available in the library in print only. Check against the citation that the library has access to the year you are looking for (under the Coverage Range column in the center). If we have the year you are looking for, you can come to the library to photocopy it, or request the copy/pull (see service information at the very top of the pull link) service for a small fee through Interlibrary Loan.
If the library does not have full-text, you may request the article through Interlibrary Loan for a fee.
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